Catching the Contagious InterviewI gave a public talk about Contagious Interview at SleuthCon.6d ago6d ago
With Friends Like Xi’s: China’s Ransomware HeadacheI wrote a piece in about how China has a problem with ransomware compromises, much of it from Russian linked criminal gangs.Nov 30, 2022Nov 30, 2022
Oh, So You Got IOCs? Being a Good CTI ConsumerI wanted to write a blog about being a good consumer of intelligence. I was going to write about the threat intelligence life cycle or…Jan 19, 2021Jan 19, 2021
The Many Personalities of LazarusI published a breakdown blog of the various North Korean APT groups:Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
What Even is Winnti?I was fortunate enough to be able to publish a blog post on Risky.Biz about Winnti and Cyber Threat Intelligence.Jul 20, 2020Jul 20, 2020
Cyber Threat Intelligence 101 Presentation at IntroSec Con in 2020 11, 2020May 11, 2020
A New Strategy for Stopping Information OperationsI was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to publish this article in War on the Rocks in May of 2018. I’ve commented before that this…Jan 14, 2020Jan 14, 2020
Changing the Uncontrolled Release of Offensive Tools (OSTs)Before I get started, I encourage everyone to go read some of the more constructive twitter threads but more importantly the posts by…Dec 25, 2019Dec 25, 2019
Bsides Charm Talk on DDOS Defense In DepthThis past weekend I was fortunate enough to give a talk at Bsides Charm.Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019